BJain Acidum Muriaticum

95.00125.00 + ₹50* (courier charge)

For Diarrhoea, Hemorrhoids, Mouth ulcers, Tongue, joint pains
  • For the treatment of haemorrhoids, when anus is sensitive with or without haemorrhoids
  • Helps in treating Diarrhoea while urinating, with involuntary stool
  • Useful in mouth and tongue affections, when mouth is studded with ulcers, which are deep and perforating having black or dark base
  • Also indicated in typhoid caused due to heat of summer or sun

  • Indicated in the treatment of hemorrhoids
  • Helps to relieve Diarrhoea
  • Relieves back pain and joint pain

BJain Acidum Muriaticum
95.00125.00 + ₹50* (courier charge) Select options