BJain Belladonna

95.00125.00 + ₹50* (courier charge)

Boils, blisters, acne, rash, itching, redness, eruptions, Inflammation
  • Useful in treating cold and hay fever
  • Helps in treating mastitis
  • Provides relief from sudden neuralgic tooth pains

  • Effective in treating spasms of gastrointestinal tracts and relives issues of bladder and biliary tract
  • Useful in rheumatic and arthritic pains and relieves sharp pain in stomach caused due to excess digestive acid in stomach
  • Helps cure rigidity tremor and perspiration related to Parkinson’s disease
  • Excellent for regulating actions of nervous system like sweating and salivation and helps in digestive and urinary digestive disorders

BJain Belladonna
95.00125.00 + ₹50* (courier charge) Select options