BJain Calcarea Sulphurica

95.00 + ₹50* (courier charge)

For Dry Eczema, Boils, Pus,swollen glands, Joint pains, Headache
  • Helps in treating Eczema and acne
  • Helps treat minor cuts and heal wounds
  • Used to treat abcess

  • Works well as a pain reliever for various types of pain
  • Helps in treating dry eczema, boils and swollen glands
  • Treat tonsillitis and throat pain

  • Effective in treating swollen glands and twitching of muscles in the body and relieves from joint pain
  • Helps prevent violent headaches and migraines that are often accompanied by nausea and sensitivity to light and sound
  • Prevents dryness and reduces inflammation of the mucous membranes of throat and tonsils relieving from pain
  • Painful acne and boils with pus formation, eczema, wounds, redness, and itching and other skin infections can be treated using this remedy

BJain Calcarea Sulphurica
95.00 + ₹50* (courier charge) Select options