BJain Dulcamara

95.00125.00 + ₹50* (courier charge)

Dryness, mouth ulcers, abdominal pains, red rash, Joint pains
  • Useful in treating jaundice, joint pains, cramps and lack of menstruation
  • Helps in curing skin disorders such as ringworms, hives and itchy eruptions throughout the body
  • Inflammation of urinary bladder with painful urination can also be healed using this remedy
  • It is also helpful in treating irregular and painful menses with soreness of breasts in women
  • Treats rheumatism and asthma and aids in improved breathing

  • Indicated in skin disorders
  • Helps in managing urinary infections
  • Useful in menstrual disorders
  • Relieves spasmodic cases of coughing
  • Useful in pains associated with rheumatism and arthritis

BJain Dulcamara
95.00125.00 + ₹50* (courier charge) Select options