BJain Paeonia Officinalis

95.00150.00 + ₹50* (courier charge)

Useful in varicose veins, fissures, Piles, ulcers, weakness, cramps
  • Treats very sensitive skin with ulceration
  • Treats fistula in the anus
  • Treats ulcers due to pressure, bed sores with itching and burning
  • Treats chronic ulcers of the leg, foot, toe, breast, rectum and mainly the lower part of the body

  • An effective ayurvedic formulation extremely useful for treating piles, fistula and fissure
  • It is also effective in aiding treatment of malaena (bleeding stool)
  • It is useful in treating constipation

  • Treats haemorrhoids, fissures, ulceration of anus and perineum, purple, covered with crusts
  • Reduces the biting, itching in anus, orifice swollen, burning in anus after stool and internal chilliness
  • Helps decrease the atrocious pains with and after each stool
  • Also treats pain and heat in the chest

BJain Paeonia Officinalis
95.00150.00 + ₹50* (courier charge) Select options