BJain Silicea

95.00 + ₹50* (courier charge)

For Nail, Hair, Boils, Eczema, Keloids, Pus formation, Heal scars

Promotes expulsion of pus, for scars, Constipation, Crippled Nails
  • Helps in the development of bones, the flexibility of cartilage, and the health of skin and connective tissues
  • Effective in relieving boils, pimples and abscesses, blood cleansing and rebuilding the body after illness or injury
  • Prevents headaches beginning in the back of the head and spreading forward to the eyes and brittle nails and whitlow
  • Helps in the treatment in various bone diseases like ulceration and necrosis

  • Treats anal abscesses, fistula, fissures and painful haemorrhoids
  • Treats stinging in the rectum and constipation
  • Treats thin, milky and acrid leucorrhea
  • Reduces sharp pains in the back
  • Decreases weakness of the extremities
  • Reduces excessive, offensive sweat on feet and hands
  • Decreases swelling and cracks of fingertips

BJain Silicea
95.00 + ₹50* (courier charge) Select options