BJain Cuprum Metallicum

95.00 + ₹50* (courier charge)

For cramps, convulsions, jerky limbs, over exertion, old ulcers, Piles
  • Relieves from painful, involuntary contractions or muscle spasms caused by overexertion, not using enough muscle and low magnesium/potassium
  • Aids in treating the sudden and irregular movement of the body associated with brain disorders such as epilepsy
  • Helps in spasm with speech defects, cases of nausea, abdominal pains and diarrhoea
  • It is helpful in treating convulsions symptoms such as swelling in the head, unconsciousness, foaming and falling

  • Homeopathic medicine is effective in treating spasms, cramps, and convulsions which are periodic and accompanied by nausea
  • Helpful in treating cases of epileptic attacks, severe cases of convulsions with foaming/ falling and nausea
  • Helps in treating cases of worm infestation

BJain Cuprum Metallicum
95.00 + ₹50* (courier charge) Select options