BJain Rhus Toxicodendron

95.00315.00 + ₹50* (courier charge)

For sprains, Joint pains, Stiffness, Muscle pain, Blisters, Red Skin
  • Treats conditions like allergic skin reactions, inflammation of glands that are hot and very painful
  • Facilitates relief in weakness of tendons and muscular fibers
  • Provides comfort in anxiety, restlessness, suppressed anger

  • Effective medicine for arthritis, pains tearing in tendons, ligament and fasciae
  • Treat rheumatic pains spread over a large surface at nape of neck, loins and extremities
  • Manage pain between shoulders on swallowing, pain and stiffness in small of back
  • It is commonly used to treat urticaria

  • Beneficial for muscular pains, strains, backaches, etc
  • Also treats dengue fever and normal flu
  • Can be used with other medications
  • Relieves rheumatism or arthritis pain in adults

BJain Rhus Toxicodendron
95.00315.00 + ₹50* (courier charge) Select options