BJain Ammonium Muriaticum

95.00125.00 + ₹50* (courier charge)

For Constipation,Cough, Ear pain, Sciatica, liver, heel ulcers
  • Alleviates pain due to sciatica
  • Helps in healing contraction of Hamstring Tendons

  • Indicated for the treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases
  • Used for the treatment of sciatica
  • Helps to treat acute and chronic Dysentery with profuse mucus and blood
  • Fights against constipation and haemorrhoids

  • An effective remedy for relieving from fever with weakness and helps treat and prevent asthma attacks
  • Aids in relief from burning sensation in chest, allergic and cold rhinitis and mucus cough
  • Promotes regular menses with reduced blood clots, cramping, diarrhea and white discharges during menses in women
  • Promotes treatment of respiratory complications like dry cough, rattling of mucus and burning sensation in throat

BJain Ammonium Muriaticum
95.00125.00 + ₹50* (courier charge) Select options