BJain Ferrum Metallicum

95.00140.00 + ₹50* (courier charge)

For Weak Anaemic Persons, Bleeding Nose, stiffness, Frozen Shoulders

Weakness After Illness, Low Hemoglobin, Improves Appetite, Eructations
  • Excellent for treating anemia by promoting the body absorb more iron
  • Effective in treating gastric troubles, vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, soreness in the abdomen and inflammation in stomach
  • Provides relief from chronic headaches and tenderness and congestion along with pain in jaws, ears, skin and teeth
  • In women, it helps with scanty menses and aids in regulating menses with less pain and bleeding

BJain Ferrum Metallicum
95.00140.00 + ₹50* (courier charge) Select options