BJain Kali Bichromicum

95.00 + ₹50* (courier charge)

For Vertigo, Sun headache, swollen cervical glands, Ulcers, Stopped nose

For Sinusitis,Yellow Discharge, Post Nasal Discharge, Nasal congestion
  • Aids in treating inflammatory conditions of the pharynx, larynx, bronchi, nose with tough, stringy and viscid sections
  • Useful in treating blocked nose in children reducing ulceration of nasal septum with a fetid smell
  • Reduces inflammation of the throat, parotid glands and tonsils along with redness and swelling of fauces and oedema of the uvula
  • Effective in respiratory disorders such as hacking cough with profuse, yellowish, sticky and stringy expectoration

BJain Kali Bichromicum
95.00 + ₹50* (courier charge) Select options